home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- Copyright (c) 2006 Center for History and New Media
- George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA
- http://chnm.gmu.edu
- Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.opensource.org/licenses/ecl1.php
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
- Based on code from Greasemonkey and PiggyBank
- ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
- */
- //
- // Zotero Ingester Browser Functions
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Zotero_Browser
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Class to interface with the browser when ingesting data
- var Zotero_Browser = new function() {
- this.init = init;
- this.scrapeThisPage = scrapeThisPage;
- this.annotatePage = annotatePage;
- this.toggleMode = toggleMode;
- this.setCollapsed = setCollapsed;
- this.chromeLoad = chromeLoad;
- this.chromeUnload = chromeUnload;
- this.contentLoad = contentLoad;
- this.contentHide = contentHide;
- this.tabClose = tabClose;
- this.resize = resize;
- this.updateStatus = updateStatus;
- this.finishScraping = finishScraping;
- this.itemDone = itemDone;
- this.tabbrowser = null;
- this.appcontent = null;
- this.statusImage = null;
- var _scrapePopupShowing = false;
- var _browserData = new Object();
- var _blacklist = [
- "googlesyndication.com",
- "doubleclick.net",
- "questionmarket.com",
- "atdmt.com",
- "aggregateknowledge.com"
- ];
- var tools = {
- 'zotero-annotate-tb-add':{
- cursor:"pointer",
- event:"click",
- callback:function(e) { _add("annotation", e) }
- },
- 'zotero-annotate-tb-highlight':{
- cursor:"text",
- event:"mouseup",
- callback:function(e) { _add("highlight", e) }
- },
- 'zotero-annotate-tb-unhighlight':{
- cursor:"text",
- event:"mouseup",
- callback:function(e) { _add("unhighlight", e) }
- }
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Public Zotero_Browser methods
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /*
- * Initialize some variables and prepare event listeners for when chrome is done
- * loading
- */
- function init() {
- if (!Zotero || !Zotero.initialized) {
- return;
- }
- Zotero_Browser.browserData = new Object();
- Zotero_Browser._scrapePopupShowing = false;
- Zotero.Ingester.ProxyMonitor.init();
- Zotero.Ingester.MIMEHandler.init();
- Zotero.Cite.MIMEHandler.init();
- Zotero.Translate.init();
- window.addEventListener("load",
- function(e) { Zotero_Browser.chromeLoad(e) }, false);
- window.addEventListener("unload",
- function(e) { Zotero_Browser.chromeUnload(e) }, false);
- }
- /*
- * Scrapes a page (called when the capture icon is clicked); takes a collection
- * ID as the argument
- */
- function scrapeThisPage(saveLocation) {
- if (!Zotero.stateCheck()) {
- Zotero_Browser.progress.changeHeadline(Zotero.getString("ingester.scrapeError"));
- var desc = Zotero.getString("ingester.scrapeError.transactionInProgress.previousError")
- + ' ' + Zotero.getString("general.restartFirefoxAndTryAgain");
- Zotero_Browser.progress.addDescription(desc);
- Zotero_Browser.progress.show();
- Zotero_Browser.progress.startCloseTimer(8000);
- return;
- }
- _getTabObject(this.tabbrowser.selectedBrowser).translate(saveLocation);
- }
- /*
- * flags a page for annotation
- */
- function annotatePage(id, browser) {
- if (browser) {
- var tab = _getTabObject(browser);
- }
- else {
- var tab = _getTabObject(this.tabbrowser.selectedBrowser);
- }
- tab.annotateNextLoad = true;
- tab.annotateID = id;
- }
- /*
- * toggles a tool on/off
- */
- function toggleMode(toggleTool, ignoreOtherTools) {
- // make sure other tools are turned off
- if(!ignoreOtherTools) {
- for(var tool in tools) {
- if(tool != toggleTool && document.getElementById(tool).getAttribute("tool-active")) {
- toggleMode(tool, true);
- }
- }
- }
- // make sure annotation action is toggled
- var tab = _getTabObject(Zotero_Browser.tabbrowser.selectedBrowser);
- if(tab.page && tab.page.annotations && tab.page.annotations.clearAction) tab.page.annotations.clearAction();
- if(!toggleTool) return;
- var body = Zotero_Browser.tabbrowser.selectedBrowser.contentDocument.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
- var addElement = document.getElementById(toggleTool);
- if(addElement.getAttribute("tool-active")) {
- // turn off
- body.style.cursor = "auto";
- addElement.removeAttribute("tool-active");
- Zotero_Browser.tabbrowser.selectedBrowser.removeEventListener(tools[toggleTool].event, tools[toggleTool].callback, true);
- } else {
- body.style.cursor = tools[toggleTool].cursor;
- addElement.setAttribute("tool-active", "true");
- Zotero_Browser.tabbrowser.selectedBrowser.addEventListener(tools[toggleTool].event, tools[toggleTool].callback, true);
- }
- }
- /*
- * expands all annotations
- */
- function setCollapsed(status) {
- var tab = _getTabObject(Zotero_Browser.tabbrowser.selectedBrowser);
- tab.page.annotations.setCollapsed(status);
- }
- /*
- * called to hide the collection selection popup
- */
- function hidePopup(collectionID) {
- _scrapePopupShowing = false;
- }
- /*
- * called to show the collection selection popup
- */
- function showPopup(collectionID, parentElement) {
- if(_scrapePopupShowing && parentElement.hasChildNodes()) {
- return false; // Don't dynamically reload popups that are already showing
- }
- _scrapePopupShowing = true;
- parentElement.removeAllItems();
- if(collectionID == null) { // show library
- var newItem = document.createElement("menuitem");
- newItem.setAttribute("label", Zotero.getString("pane.collections.library"));
- newItem.setAttribute("class", "menuitem-iconic zotero-scrape-popup-library");
- newItem.setAttribute("oncommand", 'Zotero_Browser.scrapeThisPage()');
- parentElement.appendChild(newItem);
- }
- var childrenList = Zotero.getCollections(collectionID);
- for(var i = 0; i < childrenList.length; i++) {
- if(childrenList[i].hasChildCollections()) {
- var newItem = document.createElement("menu");
- var subMenu = document.createElement("menupopup");
- subMenu.setAttribute("onpopupshowing", 'Zotero_Browser.showPopup("'+childrenList[i].getID()+'", this)');
- newItem.setAttribute("class", "menu-iconic zotero-scrape-popup-collection");
- newItem.appendChild(subMenu);
- } else {
- var newItem = document.createElement("menuitem");
- newItem.setAttribute("class", "menuitem-iconic zotero-scrape-popup-collection");
- }
- newItem.setAttribute("label", childrenList[i].getName());
- newItem.setAttribute("oncommand", 'Zotero_Browser.scrapeThisPage("'+childrenList[i].getID()+'")');
- parentElement.appendChild(newItem);
- }
- return true;
- }
- /*
- * When chrome loads, register our event handlers with the appropriate interfaces
- */
- function chromeLoad() {
- this.tabbrowser = document.getElementById("content");
- this.appcontent = document.getElementById("appcontent");
- this.statusImage = document.getElementById("zotero-status-image");
- // this gives us onLocationChange, for updating when tabs are switched/created
- this.tabbrowser.addEventListener("TabClose",
- function(e) {
- //Zotero.debug("TabClose");
- Zotero_Browser.tabClose(e);
- }, false);
- this.tabbrowser.addEventListener("TabSelect",
- function(e) {
- //Zotero.debug("TabSelect");
- Zotero_Browser.updateStatus();
- }, false);
- // this is for pageshow, for updating the status of the book icon
- this.appcontent.addEventListener("pageshow",
- function(e) {
- //Zotero.debug("pageshow");
- Zotero_Browser.contentLoad(e);
- }, true);
- // this is for turning off the book icon when a user navigates away from a page
- this.appcontent.addEventListener("pagehide",
- function(e) {
- //Zotero.debug("pagehide");
- Zotero_Browser.contentHide(e);
- }, true);
- this.tabbrowser.addEventListener("resize",
- function(e) { Zotero_Browser.resize(e) }, false);
- // Resize on text zoom changes
- document.getElementById('cmd_textZoomReduce').addEventListener("command",
- function(e) { Zotero_Browser.resize(e) }, false);
- document.getElementById('cmd_textZoomEnlarge').addEventListener("command",
- function(e) { Zotero_Browser.resize(e) }, false);
- document.getElementById('cmd_textZoomReset').addEventListener("command",
- function(e) { Zotero_Browser.resize(e) }, false);
- }
- /*
- * When chrome unloads, delete our document objects
- */
- function chromeUnload() {
- delete Zotero_Browser.browserData;
- }
- /*
- * An event handler called when a new document is loaded. Creates a new document
- * object, and updates the status of the capture icon
- */
- function contentLoad(event) {
- var isHTML = event.originalTarget instanceof HTMLDocument;
- var doc = event.originalTarget;
- var rootDoc = doc;
- if(isHTML) {
- // get the appropriate root document to check which browser we're on
- while(rootDoc.defaultView.frameElement) {
- rootDoc = rootDoc.defaultView.frameElement.ownerDocument;
- }
- // ignore blacklisted domains
- try {
- if(doc.domain) {
- for each(var blacklistedURL in _blacklist) {
- if(doc.domain.substr(doc.domain.length-blacklistedURL.length) == blacklistedURL) {
- Zotero.debug("Ignoring blacklisted URL "+doc.location);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- catch (e) {}
- }
- // Figure out what browser this contentDocument is associated with
- var browser;
- for(var i=0; i<this.tabbrowser.browsers.length; i++) {
- if(rootDoc == this.tabbrowser.browsers[i].contentDocument) {
- browser = this.tabbrowser.browsers[i];
- break;
- }
- }
- if(!browser) return;
- // get data object
- var tab = _getTabObject(browser);
- if(isHTML) {
- if(tab.annotateNextLoad) {
- if(Zotero.Annotate.isAnnotated(tab.annotateID)) {
- window.alert(Zotero.getString("annotations.oneWindowWarning"));
- } else {
- // enable annotation
- tab.page.annotations = new Zotero.Annotations(this, browser, tab.annotateID);
- Zotero.Annotate.setAnnotated(tab.annotateID, true);
- browser.contentWindow.addEventListener('beforeunload', function() {
- // save annotations
- try {
- tab.page.annotations.save();
- } catch(e) {
- throw(e);
- } finally {
- Zotero.Annotate.setAnnotated(tab.page.annotations.itemID, false);
- }
- }, false);
- }
- }
- }
- // detect translators
- tab.detectTranslators(rootDoc, doc);
- // clear annotateNextLoad
- if(tab.annotateNextLoad) {
- tab.annotateNextLoad = tab.annotateID = undefined;
- }
- }
- /*
- * called to unregister Zotero icon, etc.
- */
- function contentHide(event) {
- if(event.originalTarget instanceof HTMLDocument && !event.originalTarget.defaultView.frameElement) {
- var doc = event.originalTarget;
- // Figure out what browser this contentDocument is associated with
- var browser;
- for(var i=0; i<this.tabbrowser.browsers.length; i++) {
- if(doc == this.tabbrowser.browsers[i].contentDocument) {
- browser = this.tabbrowser.browsers[i];
- break;
- }
- }
- // clear data object
- var tab = _getTabObject(browser);
- if(!tab) return;
- tab.clear();
- // update status
- if(this.tabbrowser.selectedBrowser == browser) {
- updateStatus();
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * called when a tab is closed
- */
- function tabClose(event) {
- // Save annotations when closing a tab, since the browser is already
- // gone from tabbrowser by the time contentHide() gets called
- var tab = _getTabObject(event.target);
- if(tab.page && tab.page.annotations) tab.page.annotations.save();
- tab.clear();
- // To execute if document object does not exist
- _deleteTabObject(event.target.linkedBrowser);
- toggleMode(null);
- }
- /*
- * called when the window is resized
- */
- function resize(event) {
- var tab = _getTabObject(this.tabbrowser.selectedBrowser);
- if(!tab.page.annotations) return;
- tab.page.annotations.refresh();
- }
- /*
- * Updates the status of the capture icon to reflect the scrapability or lack
- * thereof of the current page
- */
- function updateStatus() {
- var tab = _getTabObject(Zotero_Browser.tabbrowser.selectedBrowser);
- var captureIcon = tab.getCaptureIcon();
- if(captureIcon) {
- Zotero_Browser.statusImage.src = captureIcon;
- Zotero_Browser.statusImage.tooltipText = tab.getCaptureTooltip();
- Zotero_Browser.statusImage.hidden = false;
- } else {
- Zotero_Browser.statusImage.hidden = true;
- }
- // set annotation bar status
- if(tab.page.annotations) {
- document.getElementById('zotero-annotate-tb').hidden = false;
- toggleMode();
- } else {
- document.getElementById('zotero-annotate-tb').hidden = true;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Callback to be executed when scraping is complete
- */
- function finishScraping(obj, returnValue) {
- if(!returnValue) {
- Zotero_Browser.progress.changeHeadline(Zotero.getString("ingester.scrapeError"));
- // Include link to Known Translator Issues page
- var url = "http://www.zotero.org/documentation/known_translator_issues";
- var linkText = '<a href="' + url + '" tooltiptext="' + url + '">'
- + Zotero.getString('ingester.scrapeErrorDescription.linkText') + '</a>';
- Zotero_Browser.progress.addDescription(Zotero.getString("ingester.scrapeErrorDescription", linkText));
- }
- Zotero_Browser.progress.startCloseTimer();
- }
- /*
- * Callback to be executed when an item has been finished
- */
- function itemDone(obj, item, collection) {
- var title = item.getField("title");
- var icon = item.getImageSrc();
- Zotero_Browser.progress.changeHeadline(Zotero.getString("ingester.scraping"));
- Zotero_Browser.progress.addLines([title], [icon]);
- // add item to collection, if one was specified
- if(collection) {
- collection.addItem(item.getID());
- }
- Zotero_Browser.progress.startCloseTimer();
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Private Zotero_Browser methods
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /*
- * Gets a data object given a browser window object
- *
- * NOTE: Browser objects are associated with document objects via keys generated
- * from the time the browser object is opened. I'm not sure if this is the
- * appropriate mechanism for handling this, but it's what PiggyBank used and it
- * appears to work.
- *
- * Currently, the data object contains only one property: "translators," which
- * is an array of translators that should work with the given page as returned
- * from Zotero.Translate.getTranslator()
- */
- function _getTabObject(browser) {
- if(!browser) return false;
- try {
- var key = browser.getAttribute("zotero-key");
- if(_browserData[key]) {
- return _browserData[key];
- }
- } finally {
- if(!key) {
- var key = (new Date()).getTime();
- browser.setAttribute("zotero-key", key);
- return (_browserData[key] = new Zotero_Browser.Tab(browser));
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /*
- * Deletes the document object associated with a given browser window object
- */
- function _deleteTabObject(browser) {
- if(!browser) return false;
- try {
- var key = browser.getAttribute("zotero-key");
- if(_browserData[key]) {
- delete _browserData[key];
- return true;
- }
- } finally {}
- return false;
- }
- /*
- * adds an annotation
- */
- function _add(type, e) {
- var tab = _getTabObject(Zotero_Browser.tabbrowser.selectedBrowser);
- if(type == "annotation") {
- // ignore click if it's on an existing annotation
- if(e.target.getAttribute("zotero-annotation")) return;
- var annotation = tab.page.annotations.createAnnotation();
- annotation.initWithEvent(e);
- // disable add mode, now that we've used it
- toggleMode();
- } else {
- try {
- var selection = Zotero_Browser.tabbrowser.selectedBrowser.contentWindow.getSelection();
- } catch(err) {
- return;
- }
- if(selection.isCollapsed) return;
- if(type == "highlight") {
- tab.page.annotations.createHighlight(selection.getRangeAt(0));
- } else if(type == "unhighlight") {
- tab.page.annotations.unhighlight(selection.getRangeAt(0));
- }
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- }
- // stop propagation
- e.stopPropagation();
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Zotero_Browser.Tab
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Zotero_Browser.Tab = function(browser) {
- this.browser = browser;
- this.page = new Object();
- }
- /*
- * clears page-specific information
- */
- Zotero_Browser.Tab.prototype.clear = function() {
- delete this.page;
- this.page = new Object();
- }
- /*
- * detects translators for this browser object
- */
- Zotero_Browser.Tab.prototype.detectTranslators = function(rootDoc, doc) {
- // if there's already a scrapable page in the browser window, and it's
- // still there, ensure it is actually part of the page, then return
- if(this.page.translators && this.page.translators.length && this.page.document.location) {
- if(this._searchFrames(rootDoc, this.page.document)) {
- return;
- } else {
- this.page.document = null;
- }
- }
- if(doc instanceof HTMLDocument) {
- // get translators
- var me = this;
- var translate = new Zotero.Translate("web");
- translate.setDocument(doc);
- translate.setHandler("translators", function(obj, item) { me._translatorsAvailable(obj, item) });
- translate.getTranslators();
- } else if(doc.documentURI.length > 7 && doc.documentURI.substr(0, 7) == "file://") {
- this._attemptLocalFileImport(doc);
- }
- }
- /*
- * searches for a document in all of the frames of a given document
- */
- Zotero_Browser.Tab.prototype._searchFrames = function(rootDoc, searchDoc) {
- var frames = rootDoc.getElementsByTagName("frame");
- for each(var frame in frames) {
- if(frame.contentDocument &&
- (frame.contentDocument == searchDoc ||
- this._searchFrames(frame.contentDocument, searchDoc))) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /*
- * Attempts import of a file; to be run on local files only
- */
- Zotero_Browser.Tab.prototype._attemptLocalFileImport = function(doc) {
- if(doc.documentURI.substr(doc.documentURI.length-4).toLowerCase() == ".csl") {
- // read CSL string
- var csl = Zotero.File.getContentsFromURL(doc.documentURI);
- if(csl.indexOf("http://purl.org/net/xbiblio/csl") != -1) {
- // looks like a CSL; try to import
- Zotero.Cite.installStyle(csl, doc.documentURI);
- }
- } else {
- // see if we can import this file
- var file = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/protocol;1?name=file"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIFileProtocolHandler)
- .getFileFromURLSpec(doc.documentURI);
- var me = this;
- var translate = new Zotero.Translate("import");
- translate.setLocation(file);
- translate.setHandler("translators", function(obj, item) { me._translatorsAvailable(obj, item) });
- translate.getTranslators();
- }
- }
- /*
- * translate a page, saving in saveLocation
- */
- Zotero_Browser.Tab.prototype.translate = function(saveLocation) {
- if(this.page.translators && this.page.translators.length) {
- Zotero_Browser.progress.show();
- if(saveLocation) {
- saveLocation = Zotero.Collections.get(saveLocation);
- } else { // save to currently selected collection, if a collection is selected
- try {
- saveLocation = ZoteroPane.getSelectedCollection();
- } catch(e) {}
- }
- var me = this;
- if(!this.page.hasBeenTranslated) {
- // use first translator available
- this.page.translate.setTranslator(this.page.translators[0]);
- this.page.translate.setHandler("select", me._selectItems);
- this.page.translate.setHandler("done", function(obj, item) { Zotero_Browser.finishScraping(obj, item) });
- this.page.hasBeenTranslated = true;
- }
- this.page.translate.clearHandlers("itemDone");
- this.page.translate.setHandler("itemDone", function(obj, item) { Zotero_Browser.itemDone(obj, item, saveLocation) });
- this.page.translate.translate();
- }
- }
- /*
- * returns the URL of the image representing the translator to be called on the
- * current page, or false if the page cannot be scraped
- */
- Zotero_Browser.Tab.prototype.getCaptureIcon = function() {
- if(this.page.translators && this.page.translators.length) {
- var itemType = this.page.translators[0].itemType;
- if(itemType == "multiple") {
- // Use folder icon for multiple types, for now
- return "chrome://zotero/skin/treesource-collection.png";
- } else {
- return Zotero.ItemTypes.getImageSrc(itemType);
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- Zotero_Browser.Tab.prototype.getCaptureTooltip = function() {
- if (this.page.translators && this.page.translators.length) {
- var arr = [Zotero.getString('ingester.saveToZotero')];
- if (this.page.translators[0].itemType == 'multiple') {
- arr.push('...');
- }
- arr.push (' ' , '(' + this.page.translators[0].label + ')');
- return Zotero.localeJoin(arr, '');
- }
- return '';
- }
- /**********CALLBACKS**********/
- /*
- * called when a user is supposed to select items
- */
- Zotero_Browser.Tab.prototype._selectItems = function(obj, itemList) {
- // this is kinda ugly, mozillazine made me do it! honest!
- var io = { dataIn:itemList, dataOut:null }
- var newDialog = window.openDialog("chrome://zotero/content/ingester/selectitems.xul",
- "_blank","chrome,modal,centerscreen,resizable=yes", io);
- if(!io.dataOut) { // user selected no items, so close the progress indicatior
- Zotero_Browser.progress.close();
- }
- return io.dataOut;
- }
- /*
- * called when translators are available
- */
- Zotero_Browser.Tab.prototype._translatorsAvailable = function(translate, translators) {
- if(translators && translators.length) {
- this.page.translate = translate;
- this.page.translators = translators;
- this.page.document = translate.document;
- } else if(translate.type != "import" && translate.document.documentURI.length > 7
- && translate.document.documentURI.substr(0, 7) == "file://") {
- this._attemptLocalFileImport(translate.document);
- }
- Zotero_Browser.updateStatus();
- }
- // Handles the display of a div showing progress in scraping
- Zotero_Browser.progress = new Zotero.ProgressWindow();
- Zotero_Browser.init();